Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Yet few of us handle it well. Instead, we tend to avoid it, fight it, deny it, or somehow muddle through and feel dissatisfied afterwards.
It doesn’t have to be like this!
Our programme offers a different perspective.
We see conflict as an opportunity for learning, for growth and for strengthening relationships.
Yes, this might sound very idealistic and hard to imagine.
And we agree that it isn’t easy. It takes self-awareness – knowledge of our vulnerable parts and what triggers them. It requires us to be willing to explore perspectives different from our own. And it invites us to look for the grain of truth in whatever we’re finding hard to hear.
The result, though, can be transformative.
If this sounds appealing, we would love you to join us. Together, we can spread connection and understanding, one conversation at a time.
Ready to book your place? Jump right in
Ten weekly two hour sessions, on Zoom
13.00 – 15.00 UK time
(NB In the UK, BST ends on 29th October and clocks go back one hour, to GMT)
10 Tuesdays starting 12th September and finishing 14th November
Your experience of conflict
Managing yourself in conflicts
After conflict
The programme offers you:
How the programme will run
The sessions will be as experiential as possible – no long periods in which you just sit and listen.
We will offer short inputs and invite you to work in small groups to:
We will provide you with a Workbook as a companion to the course. This will give you a record of our inputs and activities as well as space for your own journalling and note-taking from the experiences you have in the sessions.
This workshop series is run by the Conflict Transformation Weave (CTW). CTW is a part of the community interest company NVC Matters UK CIC.