The Conflict Transformation Weave has run the programme ‘Building Restorative Systems’ eight times now – and it’s developed enormously in scope and depth since our first six week offering. People have told us many times that the content is really valuable – and also that they would like support as they encourage their groups and communities to embrace the idea of walking towards conflict.
We’ve listened!
‘Mentoring for Building Restorative Systems’ is the result. We want to support you in fanning the restorative flame.
This programme offers the opportunity to:
Four sessions will be devoted to exploration, reflection and practical strategies.
Alternating with those sessions will be three devoted exclusively to practice of:
In order for participants to get the greatest benefit from this programme and have some common understanding, we ask that you have experience in the form of one or other of the following*:
*Please talk to us if you would like to join the programme but you’re unsure if your experience fits.
Seven consecutive Tuesdays at 13.00 – 15.00 UK time,
22nd February – 5th April 2022
We invite contributions in the range of £100 – £500
Please make payment to:
NVC Matters CIC
Acc. 65974126
Sort. 08-92-99
Please complete this form: