Conflict is inevitable – and can be hard to deal with. We encourage you to develop your skills by attending workshops and/or practice groups that focus on responding to conflict.
We also encourage groups and trainers to put in place agreements for responding to conflict, so if you find yourself in conflict with an organiser or trainer, check the terms of their agreement.
If you feel confident enough, you may choose to talk directly with the person with whom you are in conflict. If that doesn’t seem doable, then consider the options below for different types of third party support.
Whichever route you choose, start with self-empathy.
Bear in mind that when you are enmeshed in a conflict, you and others might be experiencing deep hurt. So be aware that healing the wounds may take time.
On this page are the names, interest and contact details of mediators who offer support for people in conflict. Please do your own due diligence to find the right person for you.
Although each person will be well-versed in NVC, they will have their own particular approach to mediation and conflict transformation.
They will also have their own fee structure.