Community Conversation: Conflict support process, Support Panel, Ethics code in NVC networks

The mission of the Conflict Transformation Weave (CTW) is to pre-empt and transform conflict within the NVC UK network, in order to strengthen the potential of NVC to support social change.

We support people in NVC networks in the UK to live NVC consciousness when conflict arises.

We already have in place a process for transforming conflict.

We are seeking your input to check that this process is accessible, easy to understand and actually serving you, and to ensure that suggested new developments will also be of service to NVC networks in the UK.

This first Survey will take 5-10 to complete. There is an optional Second Survey about the proposal ‘Support Panel’ and the potential for a ‘Code of Ethics’ within NVC UK networks.

Please complete both if you can before the Conversation and bring any questions/comments you may have.

Please email if you want to come.